A comparative infographic puting emphasis on the risks that occur while shredding confidential documents off-site and the advantages of the on-site shredding solution offered by Katana.
Discover the dangers of using office shredders to destroy confidential papers and the advantages that offer a secured solution such as Katana's on-site destruction.
An infographic that explains the implications of the new European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The infographic highlights what the new legislation foresees, the companies concerned and basic measures to prepare well for its planned implementation on May 25, 2018.
While seeking an outsourcing solution for the destruction of confidential information, whether in the form of IT support such as hard drives or paper sources, the whole system and process should be analyzed rather than only the final outcome. As we can see from the above infographics, risks can occur all along the process. This is why it is crucial to limit transport and destruction related tasks. Physical confidential ON-SITE destruction allows for all the advantages of outsourcing without the risks!
Do you have archives, confidential documents or hard-drives to destroy?